2025 LCHS Lane Cove History Prize

The Lane Cove Historical Society (LCHS) is proud to announce that the 2025 LCHS Lane Cove History Prize is now open.

LCHS Lane Cove History Prize was launched in 2016. We are currently seeking entries for 2025. You have until 31 August 2025 to undertake the necessary research on your chosen topic. We look forward to welcoming all entries.

The Prize was awarded annually from 2016 till 2023, after which it was declared that it would be awarded biennially. We are now very excited to be again calling for entries to the Prize, which may be a work of written history (in essay form of 5,000 to 7,000 words); an oral history (audio or video of 30 to 45 minutes); or a documentary style video of (7 to 20 minutes) on an aspect of local history.

The aim of the LCHS Lane Cove History Prize is to encourage original research into the history of our community and its environs, extending knowledge of the area and its people. It is intended that the research will contribute to knowledge of the area’s past that will help to give us an enriched understanding of our present. The term ‘Lane Cove and its environs’ refers to the modern Municipality of Lane Cove, Lane Cove West, Lane Cove North, Greenwich, Northwood, Longueville, and Linley Point. It is acknowledged that in the past ‘Lane Cove’ covered a much broader geographical area, for it embraced parts of modern Hunters Hill, and Woolwich, North Sydney, Chatswood and suburbs north to Gordon. Hence, submissions will be accepted when these areas are introduced into a study of the period in which these areas constituted Lane Cove.

The range of possible themes that might be selected for the entry is considerable, including for example, an institution such as a sporting club, a musical group, a church, a person, a family, a house, or a street and the life it has sustained.

For the first time we are opening the Prize up to entries from individuals under 18. We encourage younger students to enter this category with a written essay or video or audio project such as an interview of their grandparents which researches their life and times, or perhaps the local history of a particular sports or music club that appeals to their interests.

Entries for the LCHS Lane Cove History Prize will close on 31st August. For more information, email Dr. Frances Christie at LCHShistoryprize@carisbrookhouse.com.